The Current State of Cryptocurrency Regulation in the US

The Current State of Cryptocurrency Regulation in the US
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In a recent episode of the podcast "Hashing It Out," CoinRoutes CEO Dave Weisberger discusses the state of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States. He highlights the challenges of the current regulatory environment and emphasizes the need for clear and updated rules.

The Problem with Current Regulation

Weisberger begins by addressing the lack of clear regulations and rules in the United States. He points out that regulators often apply different rules arbitrarily, causing confusion and uncertainty. This problem is intensified by the existence of two regulatory bodies, the SEC and CFTC, each with their own roles and responsibilities. The intersection of these roles further complicates the regulation of different crypto assets and use cases.

The SEC's Role in Regulating Cryptocurrencies

Weisberger explains that the SEC has taken the lead in attempting to regulate cryptocurrencies, resulting in numerous court cases against various projects. However, the issue raised by industry players is not resistance to regulation itself, but the outdated nature of the SEC's rules. Established in the 1940s and updated in the 1970s, these rules are not suitable for regulating a rapidly evolving asset class and technology-oriented products. This creates a barrier to innovation and stifles the potential of the crypto industry.

Rethinking the Approach to Regulation

Weisberger suggests that regulators need to rethink their approach to crypto regulations. He compares the situation to remodeling a house, stating that it is more difficult than building from scratch. This highlights the complexity of regulating a fast-growing industry with existing, outdated rules. To foster innovation and encourage growth, regulators must adapt their approach to better suit the unique characteristics of cryptocurrencies.

The Importance of Cryptocurrency as a Voting Issue

Weisberger argues that cryptocurrency is an important voting issue in the United States due to its impact on economic activity and competitiveness. The freedom to invest and engage in the crypto industry is a vital concern for voters who recognize the potential of this emerging field. To maintain competitiveness globally, the US must address the regulatory challenges and create a favorable environment for crypto businesses.


The current state of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States poses challenges and inhibits innovation. Clear and updated rules are needed to ensure fair and effective regulation of this fast-evolving industry. Voters recognize the importance of cryptocurrency as an economic driver and competitiveness issue, making it a crucial consideration in upcoming elections.

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