William Shakespeare, 81, from Warwickshire becomes second patient in world to get Covid jab

THIS is the second patient in the world to receive the ground-breaking Covid-19 jab as vaccinations got under way in the UK today.

William Shakespeare, 81, of Warwickshire was pictured receiving the vaccine at University Hospital Coventry this morning.

William Shakespeare, 81, from Warwickshire becomes second patient in world to get Covid jab
The aptly named William Shakespeare was the second person to receive the vaccine in the UK
William Shakespeare, 81, from Warwickshire becomes second patient in world to get Covid jab
William received his jab shortly after 90-year-old Maggie – became the first known Brit to receive the vaccine.
William Shakespeare, 81, from Warwickshire becomes second patient in world to get Covid jab
Hero nurses, headed by Matron May Parsons, helped safely inoculate the first patients

It comes after 90-year-old Maggie Keenan became the first known Brit to receive the vaccine.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “I’m feeling quite emotional seeing those pictures, it’s been such a tough year for so many people but finally we have our way through it, the light at the end of the tunnel.

“It seems so simple having a jab in your arm but that will protect Margaret and the people around her.

“If we manage to do that for everyone who is vulnerable to this disease we can move on and return to normal.

“I am so grateful to the whole team who made this happen.”

William and Maggie are among hundreds of OAPs and NHS staff will receive the vaccine on what is being dubbed V-Day.

Matron May Parsons administered the vaccine to the first two patients this morning.

NHS England chief executive Sir Simon Stevens praised all those involved in delivering the new vaccine programme.

“Less than a year after the first case of this new disease was diagnosed, the NHS has now delivered the first clinically approved Covid-19 vaccination – that is a remarkable achievement,” Sir Simon said.

“A heartfelt thank you goes to everyone who has made this a reality – the scientists and doctors who worked tirelessly, and the volunteers who selflessly took part in the trials. They have achieved in months what normally takes years.

“My colleagues across the health service are rightly proud of this historic moment as we lead in deploying the PfizerBioNTech vaccine.

“I also want to thank Margaret, our first patient to receive the vaccine on the NHS.

“Today is just the first step in the largest vaccination programme this country has ever seen.

“It will take some months to complete the work as more vaccine supplies become available and until then we must not drop our guard.

“But if we all stay vigilant in the weeks and months ahead, we will be able to look back at this as a decisive turning point in the battle against the virus.”

William Shakespeare, 81, from Warwickshire becomes second patient in world to get Covid jab
Maggie became the first ever person in the UK to receive the vaccine