COVID cases in primary school kids are rising after schools reopened.
Omicron is now spreading between classes after children were off for the Christmas holidays.

It is unlikely children will get seriously ill from the variant, but some could feel worse even with milder symptoms.
Positive studies have shown Omicron is milder, especially for the vaccinated.
So children, who are mostly unvaccinated, could feel a bit rotten while suffering with cold-like symptoms.
Professor Steven Riley, Director General of Data, Analytics and Surveillance at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), said: “Although rates of serious illness from Omicron infections remain low, we are still seeing large numbers of cases, especially in primary-aged children.
“We encourage everyone to get vaccinated or a booster jab as soon as they are eligible, to continue testing regularly with LFDs – particularly before meeting anyone who is vulnerable – and to take a PCR test if you have symptoms.
“By doing this, we’re all playing our part in helping to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in our communities.”
If your child comes home with a sniffle, complains of a headache or seems under the weather – it’s likely it could be Covid.
Coronavirus infections have slowed down in England, the latest data showed, but the highest prevalence was in primary school children at 7.81 per cent between January 5 and 20 this year.
Professor Paul Elliott, who leads the React study, said: “Of particular concern is that there is rapidly increasing prevalence among children now they are mixing more following the start of the school term and, compared with December, prevalence in older people aged 65-plus has increased seven- to 12-fold, which may lead to increased hospitalisations.”
There are about 20 warning symptoms in adults that are popping up regularly, which are useful to know in children.
But in kids there are a few specific extras that are worth being aware of, in case they need to have a test.

Symptoms of Omicron in children:
- Fever
- Runny nose
- Croup – a ‘barking’ cough
- A more usual sounding cough
- Rashes
Dr Camilla Kingdon, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said: “I follow up our most high-risk preterm babies.
“Most of them in my clinic have had Omicron in the last four weeks – or their families have – and none of them have come to any harm.
“In fact, most of the mothers are reporting a runny nose, a little bit off their feet and some low grade fever.
“We need to watch this space but, from around the country at the moment, the picture is a reassuring one.”