Saturday Night Live shockingly mocks Mike Pence by saying he ‘let the country burn’ during four years under Trump

SATURDAY Night Live hilariously mocked vice president Mike Pence in a sketch last night, claiming that he “let the country burn” during President Trump’s four years in office.

The NBC comedy show satirized Pence’s Covid-19 vaccination six months after he claimed the US was “winning the fight” against the disease.

Saturday Night Live shockingly mocks Mike Pence by saying he ‘let the country burn’ during four years under Trump
SNL satirically mocked vice president Mike Pence receiving the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in a sketch
Saturday Night Live shockingly mocks Mike Pence by saying he ‘let the country burn’ during four years under Trump
Actor Beck Bennett, who played Pence, accused the veep of ‘letting the country burn’ during President Trump’s four years in office

The country has reported over 17.4million cases and more than 300,000 fatalities throughout the pandemic, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

“I’m sure all Americans are excited to see me, the guy who let Covid spread everywhere, get one of the first vaccines,” said Pence, who was being played by SNL cast member and actor Beck Bennett.

Satirical footage shows the vice president, who chairs the White House coronavirus task force, reassuring Americans who may be sceptical about receiving the jab.

“I just want to reassure the American people that this vaccine is completely safe and harmless.

“That’s why President Trump refuses to talk about it,” he said.

“For the past four years, I haven’t felt a thing – just kind of watched the country burn.”

Saturday Night Live shockingly mocks Mike Pence by saying he ‘let the country burn’ during four years under Trump
Pence branded the jab as a ‘medical miracle’ after receiving it on Friday

SNL’s satirical take came just a day after the vice president received the Pfizer vaccine at the White House Eisenhower Executive Building on Friday – where he praised the jab as a “medical miracle”.

Following the vaccination in his left arm, the VP said: “I didn’t feel a thing! Well done!”

A staffer from Walter Reed Medical Center administered the shot as Pence, wearing a shirt and face covering, looked straight ahead at the camera.

The vice president appeared to be smiling under his mask during the quick administration of the shot.

Speaking about the vaccine development process, the vice president said: “We’re on track here in the United States to administer millions of doses to the American people in less than one year.


“Karen and I wanted to step forward and take this vaccine to assure the American people that while we cut red tape, we cut no corners,” he gushed.

“Thanks to the great work at the National Institute of Health, and the great and careful work of the FDA.

“And the leadership of our president and Operation Warp Speed, the American people can be confident we have one, and perhaps within hours, two safe and effective coronavirus vaccines for you and for your family,” he added.

Pence and his wife have been advised to get a second dose of the vaccine in 21 days.

In support of the vice president’s move to get vaccinated, Ivanka Trump retweeted the video of Pence getting the shot.

She tweeted: “@VP and @SecondLady get the Covid-19 vaccine. Safe and effective and delivered in record time thanks to #OperationWarpSpeed. #TrustTheVaccine”.

The White House explained their intent was to “promote the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and build confidence among the American people.”

It’s unknown when Donald Trump will get the jab but the president tweeted that he is “looking forward” to receiving it at the “appropriate time”.

The US vaccine program began to unfold on December 14 and three million vaccine doses have been sent out across all 50 states this week.

The jab was rolled out in the week the US recorded its record daily death toll of 3,488 on December 16.

Americans aged 16 and over are eligible to receive the vaccine.

Health care providers have been warned not to give the vaccine to anyone with a “known history of a severe allergic reaction” to any component of the vaccine, which they said was a standard warning for vaccines.

Saturday Night Live shockingly mocks Mike Pence by saying he ‘let the country burn’ during four years under Trump
Actress Laura Holt played the vice president’s wife Karen in the hilarious sketch

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