Michael Gove’s vaccine passport plan could speed up return to bars and restaurants after vaccine rollout success

SPECIAL vaccine passports could speed up the full return to bars, restaurants and theatres, say reports.

Michael Gove is heading a review into certification which could lead to Brits having to prove they have been vaccinated or received a negative test before heading out on the town.

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Michael Gove’s vaccine passport plan could speed up return to bars and restaurants after vaccine rollout success
Michael Gove visits a vaccination centre operated by NHS and MOD in Glasgow on Monday

The Cabinet Office Minister said the passports could help “reopen the country and return to normal” but then added there may be ethical considerations.

Boris Johnson has made it clear the fourth stage of his roadmap – in which he hopes to end legal restrictions – will not be earlier than June 21.

However, a passport scheme could help nightclubs, theatres or gigs restart earlier or more fully than they would have done without one.

The review will now look at “the extent to which certification would be effective in reopening parts of the economy and society more quickly and more safely than otherwise”.

It will also consider the “ethical, equalities, privacy, legal and operational aspects” of any scheme, reports the Mirror.

Mr Gove said: “This review into Covid-status certification is an important part of our plan to help reopen the country and return to normal.

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“However, we recognise that there are complex issues of ethics, privacy and inclusion that need to be fully considered.

“That is why I want to get as many views as possible on Covid-status certification and its potential implications to help inform the review.”

One idea under consideration is re-engineering the NHS Covid-19 app to allow punters to show their vaccine status or rapid test result.

Another idea is to issue theatre-goers with rapid tests which they take before turning up to an event.

Last night it was revealed UK Covid cases today rose by 5,089 – up by eight per cent on the number of new infections recorded this time last week.

It follows the reopening of schools last Monday, which scientists feared could lead to a rise in cases.

Last week, 4,712 infections were recorded in Britain – eight per cent fewer than the figure recorded today.

And on Monday, 64 new deaths were confirmed – almost identical to the figure reported last Monday (65).

The latest figures mean 4,263,527 have now tested positive for coronavirus in Britain since the start of the pandemic, while 125,580 have died.

It is not clear whether the reopening of schools has caused today’s slight rise in new cases.