Facebook will BAN coronavirus vaccine ‘anti-vaxxer’ conspiracy theories and fake news

FACEBOOK has vowed to ban conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines.

It’s a major policy U-turn, after previously only banning “anti-vaxxer” advertisements – but not user content.

Facebook will BAN coronavirus vaccine ‘anti-vaxxer’ conspiracy theories and fake news
Facebook users who post coronavirus conspiracy theories will have their content removed

The news comes as the UK prepares to launch the biggest vaccination effort in history, administering tens of millions of doses to vulnerable Brits.

In a blog post, Facebook confirmed that it would remove any false claims about vaccines.

These claims will first need to have been debunked by public health experts.

According to the social media giant, false claims could relate to the “safety, efficacy, ingredients or side effects” of the vaccines.

Medics will begin to vaccinate vulnerable Brits next week

“This is another way that we are applying our policy to remove misinformation about the virus that could lead to imminent physical harm,” said Kang-Xing Jin, Facebook’s Head of Health.

“For example, we will remove false claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips, or anything else that isn’t on the official vaccine ingredient list.”

Facebook also said it would remove obviously false conspiracy theories.

This includes the suggestion that specific populations are “being used without their consent” to test the vaccine’s safety.

However, Facebook warned there may be a delay for action.

“We will not be able to start enforcing these policies overnight,” Jin explained.

“Since it’s early and facts about COVID-19 vaccines will continue to evolve, we will regularly update the claims we remove based on guidance from public health authorities as they learn more.”

It comes as the UK becomes the first country in the world to give a Covid vaccine the green light – with mass vaccinations planned from next week.

The jab – which is 95 per cent effective and developed by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German firm BioNTech – is safe for use, health regulators say.

The drug has been backed by independent regulator the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

The Health Secretary Matt Hancock tweeted this week: “Help is on its way. 

“The MHRA has formally authorised the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for Covid-19.

“The NHS stands ready to start vaccinating early next week.”

Millions of Brits are now line for a coronavirus vaccination after the Pfizer jab was approved

Mr Hancock urged everyone to “double their resolve” in the next few months while the tiered system is in place and waiting for the roll-out of the jab.

He said: “We can see the dawn in the distance but we got to get through ’till morning.”

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson hailed tweeted this morning the vaccine would “allow us to reclaim our lives and get the economy moving again”. 

The news means that millions of Brits will soon receive it – in line with the Government’s pledge to get the most vulnerable as soon as possible.

Care home residents, those over 80 years old and health and social care staff will be among the first to receive the jab, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) this week.

The initial 800,000 doses, covering 400,000 people, will be available from next week after final checks at the manufacturing warehouse in Belgium today. 

“Several millions” more will come throughout December, but the bulk of the bulk of the roll-out will take place in the new year.

Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, tweeted: “It will take until spring until the vulnerable population who wish to are fully vaccinated. We can’t lower our guard yet.”

It comes as:

  • Britain is first country in world to approve a jab
  • Mass vaccination programme to start from next week
  • 50 hospital set up and waiting to accept the jab
  • Pfizer vaccine offers 95 per cent protection
  • Care home residents and the elderly will be among the first to receive drug
  • UK has secured 40 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, with 10 million due in the UK by the end of the year
  • Around 800,000 doses will be available from next week, with the first shipments arriving as early as today

Just days ago, it was announced that the drug was set to get the green light for use – and medics were told to prepare for approval in early December.

The UK regulator was formally asked by Health Secretary Matt Hancock to check the Pfizer vaccine and approve it.

He said on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this morning: “I’m just absolutely thrilled. The UK is the first country in the world to have a clinically authorised vaccine for Covid-19.

“This will start small and ramp up. The vast majority of vaccines we expect to be in the new year.

“We are expecting a matter of millions of doses for the whole of the UK by the end of this year.”

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