Can I go fishing in lockdown 3?

NATIONAL LOCKDOWN is back for a third time as Brits face another period of limited time allowed outdoors – with fishing enthusiasts keen to know if they can spend their freedom by the lakes.

Boris Johnson announced on Monday, January 4 tougher restrictions will be enforced to prevent further spread of the deadly mutant covid strain – but can you still go fishing in the latest lockdown?

Can I go fishing in lockdown 3?
Fishing enthusiasts will be hoping fishing lakes remain open

Can I go fishing in lockdown 3?

Boris Johnson’s latest lockdown restrictions started on Tuesday, January 5 – with fishing allowed under the previous tier system.

Bu the Government is yet to confirm whether fishing is still allowed.

Fishing had previously been classed as non-essential activity, with similar activities becoming off-limits under the new rules.

Outdoor sports facilities such as golf courses, gyms, swimming pools and riding arenas have all been told to close, along with archery, driving and shooting ranges.

Fishing lakes had been closed in the first lockdown, before becoming one of the first to reopen.

And while a host of other sports have been forced to stop, there is optimism that due to fishing’s nature of being in parks and wide outdoor spaces – both of which are allowed under the rules – keen fishing enthusiasts can still head to lakes.

Are fishing lakes open in lockdown 3?

Fishing lakes reopened on Wednesday, May 13, in line with the Government’s new rules.

Many areas were already open due to being parks or places for people to get general exercise.

And these remained open throughout the second lockdown in November and under the tier systems either side.

Can I be fined for being outside without a ‘reasonable excuse’?

Although Mr Johnson announced that exercise is encouraged – you can still be slapped with a fine if you are not following the social distancing rules in place under the lockdown measures.

You must only meet up with one other person from outside your household, except in the case of support bubbles and childcare bubbles.

You must also stay two metres away from anyone not within your household or bubble.

If you are found guilty of breaking these rules, you can be given a Fixed Penalty Notice of £200 for the first offence and fines of up to £6,400 for further offences.

If you hold an illegal gathering of over 30 people, police can issue fines of £10,000.

Meanwhile, under the new guidance, the Government say that you should only leave your home if you have a reasonable excuse to do so, such as grocery shopping or attending hospital appointments – and you should always stay local to your village, town or part of the city you live in.

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