50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’

NEARLY 50 Sandhurst recruits have reportedly caught Covid amid an outbreak believed to be caused by officer cadets flouting social distancing rules.

Commanders are said to be furious after recruits from different “work bubbles” dined and socialised together. 

50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’
Cadets could be prevented from joining their regiments, unless the outbreak was curtailed
50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’
Four members of staff were reportedly among the positive cases

The trainees have now been banned from using the gym, taking unsupervised exercise, smoking breaks, visits at the academy gates, and consuming any alcohol.

The positive cases have been recorded among the 750 recruits living at the prestigious Berkshire academy, the Mail Online reported.

Four members of staff were among the positive cases. The mass outbreak had prompted the cancellation of crucial military exercises, while some officer cadets faced the prospect of failing to complete their courses.

They could be prevented from joining their regiments, unless the outbreak was curtailed.

Sandhurst’s New College Lieutenant commander Colonel James Lane told cadets rule-breakers faced serious punishment.

“Due to a failure of adherence to FHPI (forces health protection instructions) and with numerous platoons affected by the current mass outbreak within the academy, the below orders are to be enacted to protect officer cadets, staff, families and contractors and are designed to break the current cycle of spread,” he said.

“Action will be taken against any staff or cadets who do not adhere to these measures. The standard punishment for an officer cadet who transgresses is to be three work parades and for a member of staff three additional duties.”

“Those in isolation must not enter the dining room. This must be made clear to all to ensure everyone understands the potential catastrophic consequences of this irresponsible action.”

“The following are to be implemented with immediate effect: Exercise Allenby’s Advance, cancelled. Colleges are out of bounds to all except those who work in them.

50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’
A British soldier at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in Camberley, where the outbreak has occurred
50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’
Prince William (right) takes part in the Sovereign’s Parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst back in 2006

“All interaction between officer cadets and friends and family at the academy gates is to cease. Gyms are to shut. Alcohol is not to be consumed by officer cadets, irrespective of isolation or quarantine status. We are now dry.”

The outbreak had also reportedly affected food supplies at Sandhurst.


Hopeful trainees were declined when asking for takeaway pizzas to be ordered on their behalf.

“Sadly, college funds do not extend to the purchase of pizzas for all those now in isolation or quarantine,” Colonel James Lane said.

The outbreak comes just months after around 50 college cadets were reportedly disciplined for breaking Covid rules by holding a booze-fuelled party at the military academy.

It was believed about 50 officer cadets — who were under strict orders to stay in three separate “platoon bubbles” — got drunk together on glow in the dark drinks as well as embracing each other, reported the Mail On Sunday.

Military glow-sticks were also activated and a TV was smashed during the “rave” last Saturday.

Members of 22, 23 and 24 platoons of Burma Company were said to be punished with painful 5am room inspections and extra cleaning duties.

Meanwhile, commanders are deciding whether to suspend the ringleaders.


The cadets had just completed the first part of their one-year training but had been locked down inside for the past three months to avoid spreading Covid within the prestigious Berkshire military academy. 

A source told the Mail: “It started well enough with everyone staying in their platoons, but as they drank more, the social distancing which has been in place for months went out the window.

“It was like a rave with the lights out and everyone downing luminous cocktails [drinks that glow under ultraviolet light] and hugging each other.

“They’d been confined to base since arriving here. I think they’d just had enough of all the restrictions and regulations, which is understandable. 

“But given that Army officers are supposed to set an example by their conduct, they’ve really let themselves and their instructors down.”

Sandhurst, which was established in 1812, is world famous for its standard of training, with former cadets including Sir Winston Churchill and Princes William and Harry.

The Ministry of Defence issued a statement last night, stating it had “taken decisive action” to put additional measures in place aimed at preventing the virus from spreading. 

“We take the health and wellbeing our of personnel very seriously.’

‘By acting swiftly we expect these measures will stop the spread of the virus and safeguard critical training,” the statement read.

50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’
Around 50 college cadets were reportedly disciplined for breaking Covid rules in November last year
50 Sandhurst recruits ‘catch Covid in outbreak after they flouted social distancing rules as booze is banned’
Sandhurst’s New College Lieutenant commander Colonel James Lane told cadets rule-breakers faced serious punishment.