All adults in Britain on track to have both Covid vaccine jabs by end of August

ALL adults in the UK will have received both jabs of a coronavirus vaccine by August this year, senior figures have said.

The UK has already given out more than 10million Covid vaccines with almost 400,000 Brits a day receiving jabs in the last seven days.

All adults in Britain on track to have both Covid vaccine jabs by end of August
All adults could have both jabs of the vaccine by August
All adults in Britain on track to have both Covid vaccine jabs by end of August
The UK has already given out more than 10million Covid vaccines

Now internal government projections show that all adults could be vaccinated by the end of summer in an accelerated programme, according to The Times.

Nearly nine in 10 over-80s and half of over-70s have had their first jab, with the government on target to offer vaccines to all over-70s by February 15.

Over-65s could start receiving their Covid vaccination invite letters next week as the UK’s jab rollout powers on, it’s reported.

And in the next phase, which sees those over-50 and young people at risk be vaccinated, is due to be completed by Spring.

Boris Johnson is yet to set specific targets for later stages but a senior government official told The Times: “Theres no secret plan to vaccinate everyone by the end of May but it’s fair to say that summer isn’t seen internally as wildly overoptimistic.

“The growing use of pharmacies to deliver the jabs will further accelerate the programme.

“As we go down the age groups it’s going to be easier for people to travel a bit to get a jab or to do it in their lunch hour and each week that passes the capacity is growing.”

But the pace of the roll out depends on supplies being delivered on time and in full.

The senior official warned: It’s going well, but we’re conscious that we can’t over-promise and under-deliver again, but we think we can do it.”

Almost a million Brits were injected at the weekend, with more than 9.2 million overall now receiving at least one dose.

Nearly nine in 10 over-80s and half of over-70s have had their first jab, with the government on target to offer vaccines to all over-70s by February 15.

One in 60 Brits received a coronavirus vaccine over the weekend alone, with Health Secretary Matt Hancock last night hailing the “mammoth effort”.

All older care home residents and staff have been offered a jab, with Mr Hancock praising Britain’s “incredible” vaccine rollout.