Woman Blames Caffeine Withdrawal for Symptoms, Discovers Aggressive Cancer

Woman Blames Caffeine Withdrawal for Symptoms, Discovers Aggressive Cancer

Turning Point: From Caffeine Withdrawal to Cancer Diagnosis

A woman, Abi Feltham, initially attributed her symptoms to caffeine withdrawal but later found out she had an aggressive cancer. Abi, 37, used to consume 12 coffees a day before quitting cold turkey.

Diagnosis and Treatment Journey

After experiencing blurred vision and seeking medical attention, a CT scan revealed a mass on her brain. Abi was diagnosed with an incurable grade 3 oligodendroglioma, leading to surgeries and a prognosis of 15 years left to live.

Resilience and Advocacy

Despite the challenging diagnosis, Abi, who previously battled alcohol and drug addiction, remains resilient. She has become an Ambassador for Brain Tumour Research to raise awareness and advocate for change in funding allocation.

Shifting Perspectives

Abi's outlook on life has transformed through her journey with cancer. She now aims to use her experiences to help others by writing a book that combines memoir and self-help elements.

Woman Blames Caffeine Withdrawal for Symptoms, Discovers Aggressive Cancer

Abi reflects, "I spent so much of my life running from myself, drowning in self-hatred. And now? Cancer has made me grateful, positive, even happy."