Myths and Truths about Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know

Myths and Truths about Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know

Prostate Cancer: The Silent Killer

Prostate cancer is often misconceived as a disease that only affects old men, and that you won't die of it, but with it. However, this deadly cancer claims the lives of more than 12,000 men every year, according to Cancer Research UK.

Breaking Down the Myths

Despite the rising awareness around prostate cancer, several dangerous myths still persist. Let's debunk five common misconceptions with the help of leading expert Professor Nick James.

Myth #1: Age and Mortality

Contrary to popular belief, prostate cancer can affect men of all ages. While it is more common in older men, two-thirds of cases occur in men under 75. It's essential to understand that not all men will just die with the disease, as one in five diagnosed individuals, including young men, will die of prostate cancer.

Myth #2: Symptoms and Detection

Prostate cancer is known for its stealthy nature, often not showing any symptoms in the early stages. Recognizing signs like difficulty urinating, weak urine flow, or unexplained weight loss is crucial for early detection. The case of Sir Chris Hoy highlights the importance of being vigilant about symptoms.

Myths and Truths about Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know

Myth #3: Screening Controversy

The debate over prostate cancer screening continues, with concerns about over-diagnosis and over-treatment. While the PSA blood test can indicate the presence of prostate cancer, advancements like MRI scans have revolutionized the diagnostic process, reducing the need for unnecessary biopsies and providing accurate information for urologists.