Shocking Lack of Awareness
Millions of women in the UK are at risk of five different types of gynaecological cancers, but research warns that the majority are completely unaware of their existence. Despite the fact that over 22,000 women are diagnosed with these cancers every year in the UK, and 21 women die each day, only nine percent of the 2,000 women surveyed were aware that there are five different types of gynaecological cancers.
Lack of Knowledge
The study found that while 93 percent of women had heard of ovarian cancer and 95 percent were aware of cervical cancer, a shocking 64 percent had never heard of vulval cancer, 48 percent were clueless about vaginal cancer, and 29 percent did not know that the womb could be affected by cancer. Furthermore, 25 percent of women admitted that they would not immediately seek help from a medical professional if they had concerns about their gynaecological health.
Signs and Symptoms
More than half of the women surveyed admitted that they would find it difficult to identify the signs and symptoms of any of the five gynaecological cancers. Additionally, 29 percent assumed that all the cancers would have the same symptoms, while 16 percent believed they would have completely different symptoms.
Barriers to Seeking Help
Of those women who would not want to visit a doctor about concerns regarding their gynaecological health, half cited a fear of overreacting, while 22 percent were too embarrassed to talk about it. Seventeen percent admitted that they did not want to face what the doctor might say, and 15 percent preferred to adopt the "bury my head in the sand" approach.
Call for Greater Awareness
According to the study, 83 percent of women believe that there needs to be greater awareness among women about the different types of gynaecological cancers. Just four percent of women remembered receiving any education about these cancers during their school years, and 45 percent believe that it should be part of the curriculum between the ages of 11 and 15.
The Eve Appeal Partnership
Bodyform has partnered with The Eve Appeal to help educate women about the five types of gynaecological cancers and how to spot the signs. The partnership aims to address the information gap and break the shame, embarrassment, and taboo that surrounds gynaecological health. Bodyform will provide a link to The Eve Appeal's website on all their packaging.
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