House Lays Out Case Against Trump, Branding Him the ‘Inciter in Chief’

WASHINGTON — The House impeachment managers opened their prosecution of Donald J. Trump on Wednesday with a point-by-point account of his monthslong campaign to overturn his election loss and goad his supporters to join him, bringing its most violent spasms to life with never-before-seen security footage from the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

Filling the Senate chamber with the profane screams of the attackers, images of the police officers they overran and brutalized, and near-miss moments in which Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers came steps away from being confronted by a mob that was hunting them down, the prosecutors laid out their case that Mr. Trump’s election lies had directly led to the assault.

The prosecutors played frantic police radio calls warning that “we’ve lost the line,” body camera footage showing an officer pummeled with poles and fists on the West Front of the Capitol, and silent security footage from inside the building showing Mr. Pence, his family and members of the House and Senate terrorized, racing to evacuate as the mob closed in chanting: “Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!”

All of it, according to the nine Democrats pressing the charge of “incitement of insurrection” against Mr. Trump, was the foreseeable and intended outcome of his desperate attempts to cling to the presidency. Reaching back as far as last summer, they traced in meticulous detail how Mr. Trump spent months cultivating not only the “big lie” that the election was “rigged” against him, but stoking the rage of a throng of supporters who made it clear that they would do anything — including resorting to violence — to help him.

The managers argued that it warranted that the Senate break with two centuries of history to make Mr. Trump the first former president ever to be convicted in an impeachment trial and disqualified from future office.

“Donald Trump surrendered his role as commander in chief and became the inciter in chief of a dangerous insurrection,” Representative Jamie Raskin, Democrat of Maryland and the lead manager, told the senators, who watched the footage in silence in the same spots where they had been when the mob breached the building last month.

“He told them to ‘fight like hell,’” Mr. Raskin added, quoting the speech that Mr. Trump gave supporters as the onslaught was unfolding, “and they brought us hell on that day.”


Though the House managers used extensive video evidence of the Jan. 6 riot to punctuate their case, they spent just as much time placing the event in the context of Mr. Trump’s broader effort to falsely claim the election had been stolen from him, portraying him as a president increasingly desperate to invalidate the results.

“With his back against the wall when all else has failed, he turns back to his supporters — who he’d already spent months telling that the election was stolen — and he amplified it further,” said Representative Joe Neguse, Democrat of Colorado.

After dozens of frivolous lawsuits failed, they said, Mr. Trump began pressuring officials in key battleground states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia to overturn his losses there. When that failed, he tried the Justice Department, then publicly attempted to shame Republican members of Congress into helping him, and finally insisted that Mr. Pence assume nonexistent powers to unilaterally overturn their loss on Jan. 6, when he would oversee the counting of the electoral votes in Congress.

“Let me be clear: The president was not just coming for one or two people, or Democrats like me,” said Representative Ted Lieu of California, looking out at senators. “He was coming for you.”

At the same time, the managers argued that the president was knowingly encouraging his followers — many of them known extremists — to take matters into their own hands. When an armada of his supporters tried to rub a Biden campaign bus off the highway, Mr. Trump cheered them on Twitter. He began adopting increasingly violent language, they noted, and did nothing to denounce armed mobs cropping up in cities around the country in his name. And he implored them to “stop the steal,” inviting them to Washington on Jan. 6 to rally behind him as Congress met to formalize President Biden’s victory.

“When he saw firsthand the violence that his conduct was creating, he didn’t stop it,” Mr. Neguse said. “He didn’t condemn the violence. He incited it further and he got more specific. He didn’t just tell them to fight like hell. He told them how, where and when.”

At times, the presentation, delivered by a group of Democrats with extensive experience as prosecutors, resembled a criminal prosecution — only in this case, the jury of senators were also witnesses struggling as they relived in graphic detail the trauma of that day.

Delegate Stacey Plaskett of the U.S. Virgin Islands guided them through much of the video, stitched together by the managers into a documentary-style film, including scenes of rioters inside the Capitol tauntingly calling for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and flooding into her office just after staff aides had raced to barricade themselves in a conference room and hid under a table.

“Nancy! Oh, Nancy! Where are you, Nancy?” one of the invaders could be heard shouting in a singsong voice.

“That was a mob sent by the president of the United States to stop the certification of an election,” Ms. Plaskett said. “President Trump put a target on their backs, and his mob broke into the Capitol to hunt them down.”

Glued to their desks, some recoiled or averted their eyes from the hours of footage, including of their own evacuation as the mob closed in just down a corridor.

“It tears at your heart and brings tears to your eyes,” said Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, who could be seen in one of the videos racing back toward the Senate for safety after a Capitol Police officer warned him to turn around. “That was overwhelmingly distressing and emotional.”


Senator John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 2 Senate Republican, conceded that the managers had “done a good job connecting the dots” and recreating a “harsh reminder of what happens when you let something like that get out of hand.”

But for all of the power of their case, the managers’ task remained an exceedingly steep one. Senators voted narrowly to proceed with the trial on Tuesday, but only six Republicans joined Democrats in deeming it constitutional to judge a former official no longer in office, foreshadowing Mr. Trump’s likely acquittal.

Even after Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, counseled senators to vote their conscience and let it be known he considered Mr. Trump’s conduct impeachable, few seemed willing to take the step of taking action against a former president who retains heavy sway power over their party.

“Today’s presentation was powerful and emotional, reliving a terrorist attack on our nation’s capital,” said Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas. “But there was very little said about how specific conduct of the president satisfies the legal standard.”

Short of persuading 34 Republicans to join Democrats to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary to convict, the Democratic managers directed their arguments at the American public and at history in an attempt to bury Mr. Trump’s popular appeal and lay down a clear marker for future presidents.

The trial was proceeding at a blistering pace. Prosecutors were expected to take several more hours on Thursday before Mr. Trump’s lawyers will have two days to mount a defense. The Senate could render a verdict as soon as the weekend.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers, who made a much-criticized debut on Tuesday, have thus far spent much of their time focusing on why they believed the trial was unconstitutional. When they begin their own case later in the week, they are expected to assert that the former president was not trying to incite violence or interfere with the electoral process, but rather urge his supporters to demand general election security reforms, an argument that requires ignoring much of the evidentiary record.

Though they have sought not to repeat Mr. Trump’s outlandish claims that the election was “stolen” from him, the lawyers will insist they amount to constitutionally protected free speech for which the Senate cannot punish him.

The House managers, though, argued that Mr. Trump clearly incited the attack on Jan. 6, thus violating his oath of office to protect the Constitution. Mr. Trump repeatedly invited his supporters to show up for a huge rally on the day Congress would make his defeat final, his last change to change the outcome. It will “be wild,” he told them.

Prosecutors walked senators through his speech just before the mob closed in, playing again and again clips of him urging the thousands on hand to “fight like hell” alongside others, shot from the crowd, featuring a drastic response from the audience: “Take the Capitol.”


“This violent attack was not planned in secret,” Ms. Plaskett said. “The insurgents believed they were doing the duty of their president — they were taking his orders.”

To bolster their analysis, the managers turned to an unlikely group: the hundreds of people already charged with executing the riot who in interviews and court records leave little doubt that they believed they were delivering Mr. Trump what he asked for.

But it was all a prelude to a vivid recreation of the attack itself meant to drive home the enormity of what the managers said Mr. Trump had unleashed. Mindful that individual lawmakers still only had a limited view of the day, they used a computer generated model of the Capitol to the mob’s movements over time in precise detail relative to members of Congress.

In one jarring scene, Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, was shown literally running with a security detail in search of safety. Representative Eric Swalwell of California, another of the impeachment managers, told senators he had counted 58 steps between where senators could be seen scurrying toward a secure location and where armed extremists were massing.

Instead of intervening to help as the Capitol fell, the managers asserted that Mr. Trump simply stood back and watched in a “dereliction of duty” as the second and third in line to the presidency were put in peril. Citing news reports and accounts from Republican senators themselves who contacted the White House desperate for him to call off the attack or send in security reinforcements, they said the evidence suggested the president refused because he was “delighted” with what he saw unfolding.

“When the violence started, he never once said the one thing everyone around him was begging him to say,” Representative Joaquin Castro of Texas said. “‘Stop the attack.’”

Emily Cochrane contributed reporting.