Here’s what we know about when mail-in ballots will be counted.

All eyes were on mail-in ballots when general election results were tallied in November. And now, with control of the Senate hinging on two runoff elections in Georgia, it is no surprise that mail-in ballots are getting attention again. Here is what we know about when they will be counted:

Mail-in ballots could not be counted before the polls closed, even if they arrived before election day. But many ballots have already been processed, meaning envelope signatures and addresses have been verified, though the tallying of the votes themselves only began Tuesday night.

Of course, it is hard to say how long it will take for all of the mail-in ballots to be counted.

First, some mail-in ballots may not have been received yet. Although most Georgians had to get their ballots in by the time the polls closed at 7 p.m. Eastern, military and overseas voters have three additional days for their ballots to be received, as long as they mailedthem by Tuesday.

Second, some counties will count their mail-in ballots faster than others.

So when will all the mail-in ballots actually be counted? Only time will tell.