Who is Boris Johnson aide Lynton Crosby?

BORIS Johnson has brought in a new advisor as he vows to MPs that he will change his ways.

But who is the Australian elections guru Lynton Crosby? Here’s what we know.

Who is Boris Johnson aide Lynton Crosby?
Lynton Crosby is has been asked to come and help advise the PM

Who is Lynton Crosby?

The political strategist, 65, has primarily managed right-of-centre election campaigns in various countries and is a hit with Tory MPs.

He grew up in rural south Australia, the son of a cereal farmer and of an arts and crafts shop owner, before getting his first job as a market analyst for a petrol company.

He started his political in 1978 as a research assistant for an Australian senator, Baden Teague and by 1997, he had risen to become the campaign director for centre-right party, the Liberal Party of Australia.

Crosby went on to start an election consulting company, Crosby Textor Group, where he has become known for his expertise in political strategy.

What is Lynton Crosby known for?

Dubbed the “master of the dark political arts” and the “Wizard of Oz”, he was widely regarded as being key to David Cameron’s Conservative Party win in the 2015 general election.

But this wasn’t he the first time the Australian had been instrumental in UK party politics.

He first spearheaded the failed 2005 Tory Campaign, left with just 66 seats after Tony Blair secured a third consecutive term.

But since then, the strategist has had better luck after successfully managing both Boris Johnson’s 2008 and 2012 mayoral campaigns up until the Sadiq Khan Labour takeover in 2018.

He has also been associated with “dog whistle” or “wedge” politics.

This is a tactic where controversial messaging is thinly veiled to appeal to supporters of those controversial views, but subtly enough not to shock or alienate the people of the most-widely accepted opinion.

Crosby is also said to have combined this with his targeting of marginal constituencies, focusing on local issues and using big personalities to front campaigns.

He has also served as an advisor for parties in Canada, New Zealand, and Sri Lanka.

What is he doing for Boris Johnson?

Following the findings of the Sue Gray report and the partygate issues, the PM has promised to whip Whitehall into shape.

And Crosby has been asked to step in to deliver Downing St’s core strategy and provide advice.

Deputy PM Dominic Raab told LBC that Crosby would “focus on voters’ priorities”, saying MPs desperately wanted the party to “get back to doing the job”.

He said: “Lynton Crosby is an important element of that. He has got a good strategic nose and a good sense of the direction of public opinion … to make sure we are nailing the priorities of the people.”

Meanwhile, Johnson promised a meeting of Tory MPs “I get it and I will fix it” as he apologised following the allegations of Covid-rule breaking.

In a contrite speech he admitted that the pressurised working environment in Downing St was no excuse for the lockdown-busting bashes.

It came as Scotland Yard revealed it’s received 300 photos and 500 pieces of paper as evidence in its ongoing inquiry into No 10 parties.

The PM said: “It is no use saying that this or that was within the rules. It is no use saying that people were working hard. This pandemic was hard for everyone.”

A clear out of some senior staff is likely on the way, with the PM chief of staff Dan Rosenfield and private secretary Martin Reynolds in line for the chop.

Is Lynton Crosby married and does he have children?

Crosby is married to Australian Dawn and has two grown up daughters, Tara and Emma.

His family are all UK residents.