WE asked Sun readers on our Facebook page: Should Boris Johnson resign over the Downing Street parties? Surprisingly they were split 50/50.
Many say his mistakes matter less than his achievements. Do you agree? Tell facebook.com/TheSunNews or email [email protected]

LINDA: No. He’s done a very good job. Of course, he made mistakes but he’s done his best and that’s all any of us can ask of him.
REGIS: Yes. He’s a “king in a castle” partying like a pig while people outside are struggling. So disconnected with people it’s shameful.
JUNE: No. Poor man can’t do right whatever he does.
CHRIS: Yes. I work in a care home. We stayed away from our families to prevent putting residents at risk — all while he was having drinks.
RONNIE: No. The staff were all working in No10 during the lockdowns and I see no reason why they couldn’t go in the garden.
PATRICK: Yes. I worked in lockdown and never broke the rules because Boris said “we were all in it together”.
MARGARET: No. I’m sure a lot of people broke the rules. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones. But I’m sure there were many parties going on too.
TRACY: No. If he has to go everyone at the party has to go. Who the hell would like to step into his shoes at this time? No one.
STEPH: No. I voted for this man when we were looking for someone to lead us out of Brexit. If it wasn’t for Boris and his team we’d be in a much worse place.
ELAINE: Yes. He says it was a work event. Could we bring booze to a work event? I think not. He’s supposed to be running our country and should practise what he preaches.
STANLEY: No. He’s done a wonderful job and I’ll vote for him. Why judge him for the party? Let’s talk about the good work he’s done.
JANE: Yes. Everyone else at the parties should resign too. They’re all a disgrace.
JEAN: No. We’ve no one to take his place. He’s done more than Labour would have ever done. Leave Boris alone. Stop the witch hunt.
IAN: No. Who’d replace him? Are we going to throw every PM to the sword for every misdemeanour?
BRENDA: Yes. He is a liar and his feeble excuses are an insult to people suffering at that time.