Universities that offer degrees failing to get students a job will be forced to slash their intakes

UNIVERSITIES that offer Mickey Mouse degrees which fail to get students a job will be forced to slash their intakes, Rishi Sunak will say today.

Foundation year fees will also be cut from £9,250 a year to £5,760 to try to stop greedy institutions pushing students towards them.

Universities that offer degrees failing to get students a job will be forced to slash their intakes
Universities offering dead-end courses that fail to get students a job will be forced to slash their intakes

Some courses can leave youngsters saddled with debt and without a job at the end of it.

The PM said last night: “Too many young people are being sold a false dream and end up doing a poor-quality course that doesn’t offer the prospect of a decent job at the end of it.”

“That is why we are taking action to crack down on rip-off university courses, while boosting skills training and apprenticeships provision.

“This will help more young people to choose the path that is right to help them reach their potential and grow our economy“.

Research shows too many people are being encouraged to take foundation years in subjects like business – even though they don’t need to.

The Watchdog will also force universities to publish earnings data for every course to help students make better decisions.

But ministers have ditched plans to make kids have minimum levels of maths and english in order to get student finance – for fears it would put disadvantaged pupils off

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