UK to Ban Firms Flouting Visa Rules in Major Speech by PM Sir Keir Starmer

UK to Ban Firms Flouting Visa Rules in Major Speech by PM Sir Keir Starmer

Crackdown on Hiring Foreign Workers

In a significant move, firms that flout visa rules will face a ban on hiring foreigners, as announced by PM Sir Keir Starmer in a major speech today. He will caution that the country has been too relaxed about importing foreign workers, emphasizing the need to prioritize young, talented British workers.

Warning of Economic Struggles

Sir Keir Starmer will address the nation, highlighting the shared struggle on the economy and the government's commitment to reducing net migration and economic dependency on it. The Migration Advisory Committee will provide early warnings on sectors with surging migration to ensure British workers are adequately trained.

Focus on Restoring Working People

In his first speech to the Labour conference as PM, Sir Keir Starmer will stress the importance of not being complacent about sectors importing labor when there is a pool of ambitious young British talent eager to contribute. Firms found violating visa rules will be prohibited from hiring foreigners, underlining the government's firm stance on the issue.

A Call for National Renewal

Addressing the challenges faced by the country, including the cost-of-living crisis and public finance concerns, Sir Keir Starmer will rally for national renewal through collective effort. He acknowledges the weariness of the public with politics and aims to restore the Labour Party to serve working people and bring relief to the nation.

UK to Ban Firms Flouting Visa Rules in Major Speech by PM Sir Keir Starmer

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