UK Home Secretary to Fly to Rwanda to Start Deporting Channel Migrants by Spring

UK Home Secretary to Fly to Rwanda to Start Deporting Channel Migrants by Spring

New Treaty with Rwanda Close to Completion

UK Home Secretary James Cleverly is set to travel to Rwanda next week in a bid to begin deporting Channel migrants by the spring. Cleverly hopes to sign a new treaty with the East African nation, with insiders suggesting that a deal is close to completion. This move comes after the Supreme Court struck down the original deportation plan, prompting the government to promise an alternative solution.

Rwanda Scheme a Key Part of "Stop the Boats" Promise

The Rwanda scheme is a crucial aspect of Chancellor Rishi Sunak's pledge to "stop the boats" crossing from France. However, the implementation of the plan was delayed due to disagreements over Britain's involvement in the Rwandan asylum and legal system. Sources now believe that those issues have been resolved.

Cleverly Deserves Credit for Building Relationships

Sources have praised James Cleverly for his efforts in building relationships during his time as Foreign Secretary. His diplomatic skills have been instrumental in progressing the Rwandan deportation plan. The Home Secretary's visit to Rwanda is seen as a significant step towards its implementation.

Emergency Legislation Needed in the UK

Despite progress being made with the Rwandan government, the UK government still needs to pass emergency legislation to enable the deportation of Channel migrants. The government aims to bring this legislation to Parliament before MPs go on their Christmas break in just over two weeks. There is a possibility of Parliament sitting over the festive period if necessary.

UK Home Secretary to Fly to Rwanda to Start Deporting Channel Migrants by Spring

Divisions Among Tory MPs

Tory MPs have shown increasing division over the deportation legislation. Some on the right are urging ministers to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights, while "One Nation" Tories have written to the Prime Minister stating their opposition to attempts to override the Strasbourg court. The government faces challenges in gaining the support of its own party members for the deportation plan.

Commitment to Sunak's Scheme Remains Strong

Rwandan government sources have emphasized their unwavering commitment to Rishi Sunak's deportation scheme, dispelling rumors that they may be wavering in their support. The close collaboration between the UK and Rwanda is key to the success of the plan to "stop the boats" crossing from France.

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