Trade Secretary Liz Truss calls for businesses selling green goods to have global trade tariffs cut

Trade Secretary Liz Truss calls for businesses selling green goods to have global trade tariffs cut

FIRMS that sell green goods should have their global trade tariffs slashed in a boost for businesses, Liz Truss declares today.

In a major intervention from the Trade Secretary, she will call for countries around the world to get a green boost from transforming their firms to be more eco-friendly, or selling sustainable products.

Trade Secretary Liz Truss calls for businesses selling green goods to have global trade tariffs cut

The move would make green goods like sustainably-caught tuna cheaper for Brits in the UK.

At the inaugural meeting of G7 trade ministers, which the UK and Ms Truss will chair as G7 presidents this year, she will call for leaders to slash red tape to incentivise businesses which are saving the planet.

She will float the possibility of hitting polluting firms with ‘carbon border taxes’ to stop cheap plastics and other goods being imported in from abroad instead.

A Government source told Trending In The News last night: “Liz wants practical trade-led solutions to the climate crisis, so will be looking closely at issues like carbon border leakage and incentives for companies to make their international operations greener and more sustainable.

“She’s going to lead the global charge to make trade much greener.”

There will be a renewed boost in putting the environment front and centre of several trade deals the UK is currency negotiating too – such as with Canada and the US.

And eco-issues are being bolstered by Team Truss in order to woo President Joe Biden for a future UK-US deal.

Ahead of Britain hosting the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Boris Johnson has ordered his top team to put the environment at the top of their agenda.

Ms Truss said last night: “Climate change is one of the great challenges of our time and something that requires intense international cooperation.

Britain will lead work at the G7 to make supply chains more sustainable and address issues like carbon leakage.

“We will work closely with like-minded democracies to ensure trade is part of the solution to the climate crisis, and to show the world that trade can be a tremendous force for good.”

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