Tory MP falls victim to naked photo honeytrap

Tory MP falls victim to naked photo honeytrap

Tory MP William Wragg targeted in honeytrap

A Conservative MP, William Wragg, has revealed that he fell victim to a honeytrap scheme where he was manipulated into sharing colleagues' phone numbers after sending naked photos of himself to a user on the dating app Grindr.

Leicestershire Police investigating the scam

Leicestershire Police are currently investigating the scam that targeted Mr. Wragg and other MPs, political staff, and a journalist, with explicit messages in an attempt to entrap them. The scam reportedly began last month.

Mr. Wragg expresses regret over the incident

Mr. Wragg, who is openly gay, expressed his regret over the incident, stating that he is "mortified" and apologized for any hurt caused to others due to his actions. He admitted to providing some phone numbers to the scammers but not all, and eventually told them to stop.

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