Third Covid lockdown: Full list of loopholes from meeting more than one person outside to support bubbles

BRITS in England were plunged into their third national lockdown at the start of January as a new mutant Covid strain began ripping its way through Britain.

The latest rules mean pubs, bars, restaurants, non-essential retail and leisure facilities must close – but there are still some key loopholes which allow more than two households to meet inside and out.

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Third Covid lockdown: Full list of loopholes from meeting more than one person outside to support bubbles
Pubs can deliver pints in the third lockdown – but Brits cannot collect them themselves

Support & childcare Bubbles

People should not mix with other households unless they share a support or childcare bubble.

A childcare bubble is where two households link to provide informal childcare to anyone under 14.

However, you can only have one childcare or support bubble with one other household.

Children who have parents separated will continue to be able to move between households as they have throughout the pandemic.

You can exercise with a PT

Lockdown rules state you are allowed to exercise with one other person from another household outdoors, close to your home, once a day.

This could be with a friend, or even a personal trainer, but should be done in a public outdoor space – not a private garden.

Pints can still be delivered

Hospitality venues such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars and social clubs are currently closed.

Although food and drink can be collected from the above via takeaways (until 11pm), click-and-collect and drive-throughs, alcohol cannot be picked up.

Pubs and restaurants are still allowed to deliver ALL food and drink though, meaning alcohol can still be sent to your door.

Kids under five don’t count

After concerns the rules on meeting people only if you’re alone would isolate new parents who need to be with their child but also need company, the health minister announced a new exemption in the last lockdown.

Anyone who is with a child under the age of five will be allowed to see one other person, alongside their kid.

The rule will also apply to anyone who cares for someone who requires constant supervision – for example children with disabilities.

But it has created a bizarre situation where Brits can walk with their three year old in tow, but not your six year old.

Third Covid lockdown: Full list of loopholes from meeting more than one person outside to support bubbles
Kids won’t be able to play football in groups anymore – although you can meet a PT outside

Cleaners and nannies can still go to work

During the first lockdown, only people who were key workers were told they should continue to go to work.

That meant many people who worked in other people’s homes were left out.

But this time around, cleaners, nannies, and tradespeople can work in others’ homes.

Third Covid lockdown: Full list of loopholes from meeting more than one person outside to support bubbles

Third Covid lockdown: Full list of loopholes from meeting more than one person outside to support bubbles