THOUSANDS more thieves and burglars will be fitted with GPS ankle tags in a push to cut reoffending.
Those jailed for more than 90 days will get the devices to prevent them from slipping back into a life of crime.

Police claim the devices slash reoffending by keeping round-the-clock tabs on offenders
Until now, only offenders locked up for at least a year would get the tags, which tell police where they are 24 hours a day.
But the move means 8,000 will be wearing them by 2025, with potential savings of £5million a year by cutting crime and prison time, the Ministry of Justice predicts.
Police say the devices slash reoffending by keeping tabs on offenders round the clock and ensuring curfews are observed.
They also help catch any who do reoffend by tracking their movements and pinning them to the scenes of crimes.
In Cheshire, 25 offenders have been wearing GPS tags — and none are known to have reoffended.
Insp Richard Spedding said: “It’s more likely they’ll get caught if they offend and the tag’s a reminder of their motivation to turn their lives around.”
Ex-drug addict Geoff, 41, from Gwent, said: “I wanted to change, and the tag has helped.”
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