Taxpayers facing £150,000 bill to re-cover MPs' green benches at the House of Commons

Taxpayers facing £150,000 bill to re-cover MPs' green benches at the House of Commons

Fury has erupted as taxpayers are set to foot a £150,000 bill to re-cover the green benches of MPs at the House of Commons, it has been revealed.

Regal refurbishment

Officials are in the process of finding a supplier for "leather hides" to "repair and re-upholster" the seat-cushions and backrests in the historic chamber. The contract, currently out for tender, is scheduled to begin next month and span five years.

From weeping figs to tables and chairs

This news comes on the heels of £80,000 being spent just six months ago on removing 12 weeping figs from the atrium at Portcullis House, where MPs have their offices. The trees were replaced with tables and chairs.

Taxpayers' perspective

John O'Connell, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, expressed outrage at the expense, stating, "Taxpayers will be green around the gills at the cost of this regal refurbishment. Politicians should prioritize the comfort of taxpayers, not their own."

The House of Commons responded by stating that no funding has been approved and there is no commitment to award the tender. They emphasized that any budget allocated would be carefully scrutinized to ensure value for money.

They added, "As custodians of a Grade I listed building, it is vital that the materials provided for repairs are of a standard that fits within the nature of the building."

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