A READER who grilled Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak in Trending In The News’s TV debate has revealed the extent of her family’s survival cutbacks as prices soar.
Gemma Keogh, from Manchester, said new clothes and nights out are no longer possible.

A reader who grilled Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak in Trending In The News’s TV debate has revealed the extent of her family’s survival cutbacks as prices soar
She and husband Steven, both 34, who run a construction company, have had to refuse school trips for kids Briannah, 11, Kenneth, seven, and Kayden, five.
The youngest has a hole in his school shoes but Gemma said: “I haven’t the money to buy a pair.”
She added: “Their favourite meal is spaghetti bolognese but we’ve had to cut down on it because mince is so expensive.
“When I buy it I will chop it in half, cook half of it and then I’ll do half another day.”
Gemma added: “I try to explain as much as possible that mummy and daddy will be able to eventually get all these things, but at the moment I said we just cannot.
“It’s hard to explain to a five and a seven-year-old, because they just don’t understand about money.
“They just want it.”