South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm

MATT Hancock will update MPs this afternoon on the latest measures to clamp down on the South Africa variant.

He will address the House of Commons at 1pm as door-to-door testing gets underway in several areas across the country.

South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm
Matt Hancock will address the Commons this afternoon
South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm
Members of the public at an asymptomatic coronavirus testing centre at the Forest Arts Centre in Walsall
South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm

He is expected to discuss more details on the South Africa variant and the topics of last night’s press conference.

Hancock last night warned Brits we need to “come down hard” on the new South African variant as he ordered those in infected areas to stay inside – and get tested as soon as possible – even without symptoms.

The Health Secretary issued the fresh warning as he revealed 9.2million people have now had their first vaccine – with nearly one million people getting a jab over the last weekend alone.

Earlier today a minister said the 80,000 people in neighbourhoods where a clampdown on the mutant strain is underway should “think again” about leaving home at all – even to get food.

Brits living in areas hit by the South African variant of coronavirus have been urged to eat up tins and leftovers rather than go out food shopping.

Door-to-door testing has been rolled out in eight areas across the country after 105 cases were found, including 11 not linked to international travel.

Residents in eight English postcodes from Surrey to Merseyside are being urged to get swabbed over the next fortnight.

Mobile units have been scrambled, while council officials will knock on doors offering kits to locals.

Authorities are anxious to suppress any spread amid fears vaccination will prove less effective against the variant.

It is more contagious than the original, but there is no evidence it is deadlier.

Universities Minister Michelle Donelan said the development was “deeply concerning” and urged people to stay at home.

She said there are no extra restrictions in those neighbourhoods because the whole country is already in lockdown, but that residents there should interpret the rules even more strictly.

She told them: “Think again before you go about activities, even those within the rules such as essential shopping.

“Do you really need to go for that shopping or have you got enough in? Could you work from home, have that extra conversation with your employer?”

South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm
A man does a testing swab in Waslsall
South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm
Testing kits are being sent door to door

Professor Andrew Hayward, a member of the Sage advisory group of scientists, said current jabs should be effective at fighting the new variant.

He said: “We would expect the vaccines to still be very worthwhile and very good at preventing severe disease.

And he warned there is “probably in the long term, 100%” chance of more variants reaching Britain as “the nature of this virus is that it will continue to mutate”.

Professor Calum Semple, a fellow Sage member, said it was unrealistic to think the UK could completely close its borders.

He said: “You can’t do it altogether when you have got a country that is dependent on imports for food and other essential processes. It is just not possible.”

South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm
People at a testing centre at Splash World in Southport 
South Africa variant: Matt Hancock to give statement to MPs on clampdown at 1pm
People getting door to door testing in Woking