Small Businesses Warn Hiking Minimum Wage Could End Saturday Jobs

Small Businesses Warn Hiking Minimum Wage Could End Saturday Jobs

Impact on Young Workers

Plans to raise the minimum wage could spell the end of the traditional Saturday job for young people, according to small businesses.

The Federation of Small Businesses has raised concerns that equalizing pay for 18-year-olds could deter small firms from hiring in that age group, potentially leading to fewer opportunities for young workers.

Call for Phased Approach

Tina McKenzie, Policy Chair at FSB, emphasized the importance of phasing in any changes to allow small businesses time to adjust. She highlighted the value of Saturday jobs in teaching young individuals about responsibility, accountability, and teamwork.

Government Response

Ministers have instructed the Low Pay Commission to consider the cost of living when setting the minimum wage rate and to gradually introduce a single minimum wage for 18 to 20-year-olds.

A spokesperson for the Department for Business and Trade emphasized the government's aim to boost workers' incomes while also taking into account the impact on businesses and the wider economy.

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