Sir Keir Starmer Vows to 'Take Back Control' in Labour Party Conference Speech

Sir Keir Starmer Vows to 'Take Back Control' in Labour Party Conference Speech

Sir Keir Starmer's Strong Stance

Sir Keir Starmer has dismissed criticism as "water off a duck’s back" as he vowed to "take back control" of borders and benefits in his first Labour conference speech in power. Addressing the concerns of Brexit voters, he criticized the Tories for failing them on immigration and crime while pledging urgent action.

Key Points of the Speech

In his 45-minute address, Sir Keir made several promises, including ensuring pensioners are better off under Labour, standing against racist thugs, and addressing the issue of hiring from abroad when there are unemployed young people in the UK. He also announced plans for a "homes for heroes" scheme to support veterans in need of housing.

Labour's Stance on Control and Migration

Sir Keir emphasized the importance of control, especially in managing migration, climate change, law and order, and security at work. He highlighted Labour's commitment to decisive government and taking back control as a key aspect of their approach to governance.

Pledge to Support Veterans and Tackle Welfare

One of the new announcements in the policy-light speech was the commitment to house all veterans in need of housing. Sir Keir also pledged to tackle the welfare bill by supporting jobless individuals back to work, rooting out waste, and targeting tax avoiders to maximize the use of public funds.

Sir Keir Starmer Vows to 'Take Back Control' in Labour Party Conference Speech