Sir Keir Starmer advocates for lowering voting age to 16

Sir Keir Starmer advocates for lowering voting age to 16

Sir Keir Starmer's stance

Sir Keir Starmer has officially expressed his support for lowering the voting age to 16, stating that individuals in this age group should have the right to vote if they are working, paying taxes, and serving in the armed forces.

Impact and support

This move could potentially grant around 1.5 million young individuals the right to vote, marking the most significant change since the voting age was reduced from 21 in 1969. Research indicates that there is strong support for this change, with one in three Brits advocating for the legal voting age to be lowered to 16.

Youth engagement in politics

According to a survey of 2,000 adults, 42% believe that allowing younger voices to be heard through voting could lead to substantial change. The research also highlighted that while nearly half of the respondents do not support giving 16-year-olds the vote, a significant majority (64%) admitted they would have wanted the same opportunity at that age.

Advocacy for change

The Body Shop, in collaboration with the British Youth Council, is pushing for the voting age to be lowered to 16 across the UK. Maddie Smith, UK and Ireland's managing director at The Body Shop, emphasized the importance of empowering young voters and ensuring their voices are heard in the democratic process.