Selling Domain Names for Profit: The Story of 'Cybersquatting Goat'

Selling Domain Names for Profit: The Story of 'Cybersquatting Goat'

Meet the 'Cybersquatting Goat' Who Sold for $15k

Internet users were surprised to find the domain name already in use immediately after Kamala Harris announced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday – but it was bought four years ago.

From $9 to $15,000: The Business of Domain Investing

A lawyer bought for about $9 in 2020 and is now cashing in on a $15,000 payday thanks to an online practice called domain investing.

Political Domains and Big Breaks

Jeremy Greene Eche, a self-proclaimed cybersquatter, strategically buys and flips domain names, focusing on political figures. He previously cashed in on and now on

The Unexpected Buyer: Trump's Digital Campaign Director

After selling the domain, Eche discovered that the anonymous buyer was Brad Parscale, the digital campaign director for the Trump campaign at the time. Despite his political affiliation, Eche was just glad to have made the sale.

Selling Domain Names for Profit: The Story of 'Cybersquatting Goat'

What's Next for

As of now, the domain has been sold from Eche's marketplace, but the buyer remains unknown. Eche hopes that Harris' campaign will purchase the site, emphasizing the importance for presidential campaigns to secure their own domains.

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