Schools to be Banned from Teaching 'Gender Ideology' Proactively to Kids, New Rules to Say

Schools to be Banned from Teaching 'Gender Ideology' Proactively to Kids, New Rules to Say

New Guidelines to Restrict Discussion on Gender Identity in Schools

Schools will soon be prohibited from proactively discussing gender identity with students, according to upcoming rules. The move comes in response to criticism of the teaching of "gender ideology" in classrooms. Teachers will be advised to avoid the topic unless directly asked by a student, and in such cases, they must emphasize that it is a debated concept.

Education Secretary to Release Updated RSHE Guidance

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is set to release new relationships, sex, and health education (RSHE) guidance in the coming weeks. The guidance will also require teachers to share all classroom materials with parents, without exception. Additionally, a forthcoming report is expected to highlight the potential psychological impacts on children allowed to change their gender.

Warning Against Social Transitioning for Pupils

The Cass Review, scheduled for publication this week, is expected to recommend treating prepubescent children differently from older students regarding gender identity. Previous guidance stated that pupils should only be permitted to socially transition in rare circumstances. A spokesperson for the Department for Education emphasized the importance of not teaching contested views as facts and implementing safeguards to protect young students.

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