Rumours of Rishi Sunak calling snap general election sweep Westminster after Tory's inflation boost

Rumours of Rishi Sunak calling snap general election sweep Westminster after Tory's inflation boost

Rumours of Snap Election

Rumours are swirling in Westminster that Rishi Sunak may call a snap general election.

Downing Street's Response

Downing Street sources have downplayed the speculation but have not ruled out the possibility of the PM going to the country soon.

Potential Timing

The smart money has been on Mr Sunak calling the election in the autumn, but today's news of inflation hitting its 2 per cent target could push for a summer campaign.

Election Possibilities

The PM can call an election at any time with 28 working days' notice, and he has hinted at holding it in the second half of the year.

Speculation Intensifies

As rumours intensify, odds for a July election have been slashed, with Betfair putting the chances at 10/11 compared to 16/1 a month ago.

PM's Statement

Mr Sunak highlighted the fall in inflation as a positive sign for the economy and emphasized the need to stick to the plan for economic security and opportunity.