Rishi Sunak Warns Against ‘Sleepwalking’ into Labour Government Amid Secret Tax Plans

Rishi Sunak Warns Against ‘Sleepwalking’ into Labour Government Amid Secret Tax Plans

Rishi Sunak Urges Brits to Stay Alert

Rishi Sunak cautioned voters against complacency, warning them not to allow the Opposition to take power without proper scrutiny. Speaking in North Wales, the Prime Minister emphasized the need for active engagement in the political process.

Labour’s £18 Billion Tax Hike Strategy Revealed

Leaked internal Labour documents exposed plans for tax increases amounting to £18 billion to support public services. Proposals included raising capital gains tax on second homes to generate £8 billion and overhauling inheritance tax to bring in an additional £10 billion.

Labour Defends Plans, Tories Call for Transparency

While Labour assured that their plans were fully costed and funded without the need for additional tax increases, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt criticized Sir Keir Starmer for not being forthcoming about the party's tax hike intentions. The Tories urged clarity and honesty from the Opposition leader.

PM’s Warning: ‘Don’t Fall into Labour’s Trap’

During the launch of the Tory Welsh manifesto, PM Sunak acknowledged public frustrations but cautioned against unwittingly allowing Labour to take power. He emphasized the importance of the upcoming election in shaping the country's future.

Rishi Sunak Warns Against ‘Sleepwalking’ into Labour Government Amid Secret Tax Plans

Accusations and Denials Over Road Tax Plans

Transport Secretary Mark Harper accused Labour of planning a pay-per-mile road tax that would burden motorists, a claim dismissed by Labour as "absolute nonsense."