Rishi Sunak unveils Conservative Party manifesto with promises of tax cuts and national service

Rishi Sunak unveils Conservative Party manifesto with promises of tax cuts and national service

Rishi Sunak's bold promises

Rishi Sunak has pledged to slash taxes, hike child benefits, and even impose national service in a bid to boost his campaign before the upcoming elections. The Conservative Party manifesto, unveiled at Silverstone racecourse, includes promises such as a clampdown on migration, help for first-time buyers, and more.

Tax cuts and benefits for all

The PM vowed to slash national insurance by an additional 2 per cent, making it a total of 6 per cent in Tory tax cuts. He also promised to abolish NICs altogether once economic conditions allow. Other pledges include raising the tax-free pension allowance for OAPs and increasing the threshold for paying back child benefits to £120,000.

Addressing the housing crisis

Rishi Sunak also addressed the ongoing housing crisis by promising to permanently abolish stamp duty for first-time buyers on homes under £425,000. Additionally, Help to Buy schemes would be revived to assist aspiring homeowners in purchasing property.

Tackling migration and local issues

The PM announced plans for a cap on work and family visas annually, aiming to control migration. He also proposed scrapping ULEZ zones and allowing local communities to vote on low-traffic neighborhood implementations.

Rishi Sunak unveils Conservative Party manifesto with promises of tax cuts and national service

Opposition's criticism

Sir Keir Starmer criticized the manifesto as a "Jeremy Corbyn-style manifesto" filled with unfunded promises. He slammed the lack of costed plans and accused the Tories of building a campaign based on unsustainable pledges.