RISHI Sunak declared himself too busy to meet Donald Trump while in the United States this week.
The Prime Minister will sit down with a number of leading Republicans during his whistle stop visit to Washington DC – but not their likely next candidate for the White House.

Rishi Sunak will meet leading US politicians while in Washington – but has snubbed Donald Trump

The former President is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination
Despite the ex-President soaring in the polls, Mr Sunak insisted he had a packed schedule and no “need” to see Don.
Pals say such a meeting would have been inappropriate for a visit designed to forge ties with the Biden administration.
Quizzed on the Trump snub, Mr Sunak told reporters: “I’ve got a pretty busy schedule as it is, as no doubt you will see over the next two days.
“But I’m focused on the things that we need to do, which is to see President Biden, see the main Congressional leaders and engage with US businesses as well who are investing billions of pounds into the UK economy.”
But the PM raised eyebrows by instead meeting one of Mr Trump’s most fervent critics: Republic Senator Mitt Romney.
He also sad down with with Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
The two men met in McCarthy’s office, in front of a fireplace and beside a large electoral poster of former President Abraham Lincoln.
The speaker lauded the “long history,” and shared beliefs shared by the two nations.
“When our bond is stronger the world is safer and democracy grows,” he said.