RISHI Sunak revealed he made £1.9million last year and paid £432,000 in tax – as he finally published his returns.
The PM earned £329,000 through income and dividends – and £1.6million in capital gains in 2021/22.

Rishi Sunak made £1.9million last year
He made good on a leadership election pledge to release his tax returns in full following questions about his wealth.
Mr Sunak and his billionaire heiress wife Akshata Murthy are the richest couple to ever inhabit No10.
Docs from accountants Evelyn Partners show the PM paid £227,350 in 2019/20, £393,217 in 2020/21 and £432,493 last year.
Despite foreign income Mr Sunak pays taxes in the UK and accountants confirmed his previously held US Green Card “did not impact your tax liability in the UK or the USA.”
The PM, who has a house in California, paid more than $50,000 to the US in tax and dividends.
Eyebrows were raised at the timing of Mr Sunak’s publication which came on a busy political day of Boris Johnson’s Partygate grilling and a crunch Brexit vote.
Trending In The Newsaks’ tax affairs came under the spotlight last year when it emerged Ms Murthy had “non-dom” status to save millions in tax.
The backlash prompted her to end the agreement and promise to pay all British taxes on her worldwide income.