Rishi Sunak conducts mini-reshuffle TODAY as Ben Wallace officially steps down as defence secretary

Rishi Sunak conducts mini-reshuffle TODAY as Ben Wallace officially steps down as defence secretary

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak is overseeing a small-scale reshuffle of his top team today following the resignation of Ben Wallace as Defence Secretary. Energy Secretary Grant Shapps is set to take up the position in the slight shake-up of the cabinet before the party conference in October.

Ben Wallace steps down after four years as Defence Secretary

After four years in the role, Ben Wallace has officially stepped down as Defence Secretary. In a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Wallace warned that the world will become more dangerous and urged Sunak not to compromise on funding for the armed forces. Wallace, who is also retiring as an MP at the next election, had desired to become Nato chief but his bid was blocked. Despite being a popular figure among grassroots supporters, he announced his surprise resignation.

Rishi Sunak conducts mini-reshuffle TODAY as Ben Wallace officially steps down as defence secretary

Rishi Sunak's praise for departing Defence Secretary

In response to Wallace's resignation, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak praised his "exceptional judgement" while serving as Defence Secretary. Sunak expressed his gratitude for Wallace's loyalty and advice since he took office as Prime Minister. Prior to his departure, Wallace apparently submitted a list of preferred candidates for the position to No10.

Future plans for a wider reshuffle

Rishi Sunak is expected to delay a broader reshuffle of his top team until after the party conference season and the King's Speech in November, leaving today's reshuffle as a more minor adjustment. This suggests that further changes to the cabinet will occur closer to the next election.

Rishi Sunak conducts mini-reshuffle TODAY as Ben Wallace officially steps down as defence secretary
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