CHANCELLOR Rishi Sunak has accused the BBC of marching in lockstep with the Labour Party.
He told Cabinet ministers on Wednesday that the broadcaster and opposition will join forces to slam any Tory tax and spend plans.

A source confirmed Mr Sunak has been “deeply frustrated” by the BBC’s coverage of his stewardship of the economy.
Unveiling plans to cut income tax and raise the national insurance threshold, he told Cabinet: “We won’t have the answers that Labour and the BBC want.”
Sunak has been particularly annoyed by the BBC’s focus on help for Universal Credit claimants.
It comes after the BBC last year pledged to bin bias in all areas of its coverage.
Read more on Rishi Sunak
The media behemoth warned stars could be sacked for being unfair.
The pledge came after Sir Nicholas Serota published a review into governance and culture at the broadcaster.
The Beeb faced stern criticism last year over the “deceitful” way Martin Bashir obtained his 1995 interview with Princess Diana.