PERVY landlords face a new “sex for rent law” under new plans.
Suella Braverman launched a probe into the scale of abuse of accommodation in return for sexual favours across the UK.

Pervert landlords face a new ‘sex for rent law’ to protect female tenants
The Home Secretary is eying up the case for a “new criminal offence” to tighten up the existing laws to better support victims and track down sick perpetrators, she said.
Polling suggests one in 50 women may have been propositioned to pay for sex in exchange for rent – which is already illegal – but little is known about how widespread it really is.
Just one man, Christopher Cox, 53, was found guilty of sex for rent abuses in May last year – and was jailed for 12 months.
Police, charities, victims and survivors are being urged to come forward to report their experiences and what more they feel can be done to clamp down on the offence.
The upcoming Online Safety Bill will also force internet sites to stamp out sex for rent adverts.
Ms Braverman said: “It’s wholly unacceptable that vulnerable people, and particularly young women, are being exploited in ‘sex for rent’ arrangements.
“This is an abuse of power which puts people in desperate situations and has no place in our country.”