Penny Mordaunt eyes Tory leadership after TV debate role

Penny Mordaunt eyes Tory leadership after TV debate role

Springboard for leadership

According to party insiders, Penny Mordaunt is set to leverage her appearance in a recent TV election debate as a stepping stone towards the Tory leadership.

Political ambitions

Mordaunt, who represented the Government in the BBC's election bout, has reportedly been making moves behind the scenes to position herself for a leadership bid.

Competition and campaign

With the Tories trailing in the polls, campaigns to replace Rishi Sunak are gaining momentum. Mordaunt is expected to join the race if she secures re-election as the MP for Portsmouth North.

Debate highlights

During the recent debate, Mordaunt took aim at Labour's Angela Rayner over various issues, including national defense and leadership consistency.

Leadership contenders

Other potential contenders for the Tory leadership include Kemi Badenoch and Robert Jenrick, adding to the competition within the party.

Political showdown

The debate on the BBC turned into a heated exchange over national security and leadership, with Mordaunt challenging Rayner on her stance regarding Britain's nuclear deterrent.

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