PEERS will fight to rip up new laws which could force pubs to hire banter bouncers and allow people to sue if they’re offended at work.
A huge Tory backlash is growing to the new changes to the Equality Act – first revealed by Trending In The News last month – which mean firms will be liable for harassment in their offices.

Pubs fear they could have to hire banter bouncers to police punters’ speech

Critics say it will leave punters unable to shout at the telly or crack a joke without putting landlords at risk of being sued
Under the new bill, employers will have a legal duty to protect employees and third parties from unwanted comments which could offend them.
Landlords have warned they could have to hire banter bouncers to stop people joking in pubs in case it upsets customers.
And there are fears it will add huge legal red tape for already struggling small businesses.
Peers are working behind the scenes on a series of changes to tweak the bonkers proposals and keep speech free – before it comes before the House of Lords.
Amendments are expected to include plans to change the wording of the law which says “all reasonable steps” have been taken by the employer to prevent abuse.
Peers may also make the exemptions where the new laws won’t apply more flexible.
Tory Lord Daniel Moylan told Trending In The News: “The government has not properly assessed the burden on employers – we want to improve the bill to reduce that.
“But more generally, we are worried the whole principle of the bill is going to poison the atmosphere of the workplace.”