Radical plans leaked
Leaked government plans reveal a drastic extension of the indoor smoking ban to include pub gardens and outside football stadiums in the UK. The move aims to protect children and non-smokers from the harms of second-hand smoking.
Impact on businesses
The outdoor cigarette ban will hit struggling pubs hard, many of which have built shelters over decades to keep customers coming. The government is facing backlash over concerns of financial costs to the hospitality sector.
Extent of the ban
The ban will cover outdoor restaurants, small parks, pavements outside nightclubs, universities, hospitals, and sports grounds. Shisha bars are also set to be affected by the new restrictions.
Controversy and backlash
The proposed ban is sparking controversy and claims of government overreach. Critics argue that the move was not disclosed to voters during the election campaign. However, PM Boris Johnson is determined to press ahead with the ban.

Economic benefits vs. costs
Ministers argue that the economic benefits of the ban, including saving on healthcare costs, far outweigh the financial impact on businesses. They point to the success of the indoor smoking ban introduced in 2007 under New Labour.
Public support and health impacts
Despite likely opposition from some Tory MPs, the ban is expected to go through with the support of Sir Keir Starmer's majority. Polls indicate majority support for the ban, which aims to reduce the harm caused by passive smoking, especially to children.