No10 & Hancock braced for ‘Domageddon’ as rogue aide Dominic Cummings spills lockdown secrets

DOWNING Street and Matt Hancock are braced for “Domageddon” tomorrow as rogue aide Dominic Cummings spills lockdown secrets to MPs.

The PM’s former aide is set to sensationally lift the lid on how Boris Johnson was apparently too slow to lock down the country in the early days of the pandemic.

No10 & Hancock braced for ‘Domageddon’ as rogue aide Dominic Cummings spills lockdown secrets
Dom Cummings will lift the lid on lockdown secrets tomorrow at a box office media appearance

And he’s set to tell MPs the inside story on how ‘herd immunity’ was allegedly Government policy before it was rapidly ripped up and the country was forced into lockdown.

Cabinet ministers have dubbed the explosive appearance tomorrow as ‘Domageddon’ as they get the popcorn ready for his box office committee clash.

The scorned ex-adviser will point the finger directly at his former boss and say that thousands of lives were needlessly lost by his “awful decisions”.

The bombshell Commons evidence session could run for six hours – with the former No10 adviser vowing to lift the lid on Whitehall’s “disastrous” pandemic planning.