Nigel Farage condemns ‘reprehensible’ racist comments made by Reform campaigner in Clacton

Nigel Farage condemns ‘reprehensible’ racist comments made by Reform campaigner in Clacton

Nigel Farage denounces racist remarks

Nigel Farage has strongly condemned the "reprehensible" racist comments made by a Reform campaigner in Clacton. The volunteer, caught in an undercover sting, made derogatory remarks about Rishi Sunak and advocated for violence against small boat migrants.

Undercover investigation reveals shocking comments

An investigation by Channel 4 uncovered disturbing comments made by the canvasser, Andrew Parker, who used offensive language and called for violent actions against asylum seekers. Another campaigner, George Jones, also made alarming statements about policing and punishment.

Farage responds and takes action

In response to the revelations, Nigel Farage expressed his dismay and distanced himself from the campaigners' views. He emphasized that such sentiments do not align with Reform's policies or his own beliefs. Both campaigners have been removed from the campaign.

Farage's stance on the issue

Farage, who is running for a parliamentary seat in Clacton, reiterated his commitment to inclusive and respectful politics. He made it clear that the offensive remarks made by the campaigners do not reflect the values of the Reform Party.