Nigel Farage accuses vetting firm of approving Nazi sympathiser candidates for Reform

Nigel Farage accuses vetting firm of approving Nazi sympathiser candidates for Reform

Accusations and Threats

Nigel Farage has accused a vetting company of deliberately approving Nazi sympathisers to stand for Reform, threatening to sue for letting candidates with disturbing histories slip through the net. The party has instructed lawyers to pursue the matter vigorously, claiming an "establishment stitch-up".

Response from, co-owned by former Boris Johnson advisor Colin Bloom, responded by stating that their automated software was unable to process Reform's candidates with the data provided. They expressed no intention to litigate publicly and wished Reform the best in shaking up the UK political landscape.

Sledgehammer Taxes

Aside from the vetting controversy, Nigel Farage faced criticism regarding his plans to implement tax cuts that economists estimate would cost nearly £90 billion per year. Despite claims that the cuts would benefit the poorest in society, questions arose about the impact on millionaires and Universal Credit recipients.