Nigel Farage accused of being a Putin appeaser by Rishi Sunak

Nigel Farage accused of being a Putin appeaser by Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak's Criticism

Rishi Sunak has criticized Nigel Farage for his stance on Ukraine, calling him a Putin appeaser. The Prime Minister accused the Reform UK leader of playing into Putin's hands and helping the Russian tyrant by suggesting that the West provoked the war in Ukraine.

Farage's Comments

Last week, Farage reiterated comments from 2022, where he claimed that the expansion of NATO and the European Union eastward gave Putin the pretext to invade Ukraine. He also suggested that Ukraine should consider peace talks with Russia to reach a settlement deal.

Prime Minister's Response

The Prime Minister, speaking to The Telegraph, condemned Farage's remarks, saying that they were wrong and played into Putin's hand. He emphasized the danger of appeasement towards Putin, highlighting his use of nerve agents on British streets and dealings with North Korea.

Impact on Polling

Farage's approval among 2019 Tory voters has dropped by nine percent this week, making him less popular than the PM. He acknowledged that Reform's polling had been affected by "too many candidates who've said stupid things."

Nigel Farage accused of being a Putin appeaser by Rishi Sunak

Consequences of Voting

Sunak warned that voting for Reform could potentially give power to Sir Keir Starmer for decades, leading to significant repercussions. He urged voters to consider the long-term implications of their choice in the election.

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