New Energy Secretary Promises UK Families Won't Face Higher Bills for Green Targets

New Energy Secretary Promises UK Families Won't Face Higher Bills for Green Targets

Commitment to Families

Newly appointed Energy Secretary, Claire Coutinho, has assured families that she will not burden them with higher bills in order to achieve green targets. In her first major statement since joining the Cabinet, Coutinho criticizes the idea of expecting people to completely change their lifestyles and give up luxuries like foreign holidays. She argues that it is unfair to punish hard-working families.

Opposing Labour's Plans

Countering the proposals put forward by the Labour Party, Coutinho warns that their eco plans would result in job losses, economic collapse, and widespread power outages. She writes in the Sun on Sunday that it is important to understand the impracticality of punishing people to achieve net-zero emissions.

While Coutinho emphasizes her commitment to creating new green jobs and addressing environmental concerns, she emphasizes that this should not come at the expense of hard-working families.

Disaster Scenario

Highlighting the potential consequences of Labour's vision, Coutinho argues that pursuing their goal of achieving net-zero electricity by 2030 would be disastrous. She states that no country in the world has adopted such a target and that it would result in businesses relocating overseas, the collapse of the National Health Service, and the destruction of the economy.

Price of Eco Targets and Conservative Pressure

The issue of the financial burden of meeting eco targets has sparked renewed debate in recent months. The Uxbridge by-election saw the Conservatives capitalize on opposition to London's Ulez car pollution charges to secure a victory. Furthermore, there is mounting pressure from Conservative MPs for Chancellor Rishi Sunak to scale back green policies.

However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly ruled out delaying the ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in 2030. Tory MP Craig Mackinlay, who heads the net zero scrutiny group, expresses concern about the uncertainty faced by UK carmakers.

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