Natalie Fleet, Labour MP, Opens Up About Being 'Groomed' and Pregnant at 15

Natalie Fleet, Labour MP, Opens Up About Being 'Groomed' and Pregnant at 15

Nightmares of the Past

Newly elected Labour MP Natalie Fleet reveals how she was "groomed" by an older man and became pregnant at just 15 years old. She still grapples with the impact of the experience, facing weekly nightmares.

A Haunting Past

Fleet recounts her struggles when her family was homeless 23 years ago and the shame she felt after giving birth at a young age. Despite the challenges, she was determined to provide a better life for her daughter.

A Voice for Change

Advocating for women who face similar challenges, Fleet aims to be a voice for those in less-than-ideal circumstances. She highlights the lack of support for women who conceive through rape, with over 3,000 such cases annually in the UK.

Driving Change

In her new role representing Bolsover, Fleet aims to break down barriers to opportunities and create meaningful change. Reflecting on her past, she emphasizes the transformative impact government policies can have on individuals' lives.

Natalie Fleet, Labour MP, Opens Up About Being 'Groomed' and Pregnant at 15

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