Minister roasted over ‘wholly unfair’ quarantine exemption for overseas bosses

A SQUIRMING minister was roasted this morning over a fresh Government loophole allowing overseas execs to skip quarantine.

Flustered Anne Marie Trevelyan struggled to defend the “wholly unfair” exemption – while lockdown-weary Brits remain bound by restrictions.

Minister roasted over ‘wholly unfair’ quarantine exemption for overseas bosses
Flustered Anne Marie Trevelyan struggled to defend the “wholly unfair” exemption

Downing Street insists the waiver will only be for bosses jetting in to swing deals that could save or create more than 500 UK jobs.

But furious LBC presenter Nick Ferarri fumed: “Grieving relatives and parents who are forced to take time off work to look after children who are self-isolating watch as a businessman flies in and avoids quarantine regulations.”

Energy Minister Ms Trevelyan replied: “As I’ve said it’s very important our economy is able to grow…”

Ferrari cut in: “It’s quite important to go to a grandparent’s funeral, minister.”

A visibly agitated Ms Trevelyan said: “Absolutely and there are there are much less stringent limits.

“But in terms of, I absolutely hear what you’re saying, those who are coming to and from other countries, there are still limitations. Our mission is actually just…”

Ferrari interjected again: “Just so I know, under a Conservative government a businessman is more important than attending your gran’s funeral. Just so I know, that’s the look under the Tories is it?”

Ms Trevelyan said: “We have a multitude of requirements to balance as you know, government is a complex machine. And importantly, we want to make sure…”

Furious LBC presenter Nick Ferarri fumed at the minister this morning

It followed a groundswell of anger yesterday when the Government announced the rule changes.

Footie legend Gary Neville hit back that “we all bring value to the economy” – and suggested it left the current restrictions in tatters. 

He tweeted: “That’s it. Do what you want everyone. It’s over… We all bring value to the economy!”

Labour’s Angela Rayner piled in to brand the exemption “an offensive slap in the face” that “makes a mockery of the sacrifices of the British people”.

Execs will still have to get tested and prove they’re worth exempting – defined as having a 50 per cent chance of saving or creating 500 jobs.

Besieged Transport Secretary Grant Shapps told MPs: “To my mind, if it helps thousands of people get and keep jobs it’s worthwhile.”

Footie legend Gary Neville hit back that “we all bring value to the economy”

Minister roasted over ‘wholly unfair’ quarantine exemption for overseas bosses
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps told MPs: “To my mind, if it helps thousands of people get and keep jobs it’s worthwhile”

The PM’s official spokesperson said: “Protecting public health is our number one priority and that’s why those exemptions will only apply in truly exceptional circumstances.

“Many other countries have introduced similar exemptions and it’s important the UK public don’t lose out on prospective major investments and new jobs as a result of that.”

The Department for Business said: “This exemption is designed to enable activity that creates and preserves UK jobs and investment, while taking steps to ensure public health risks are minimised.”

Institute of Economic Affairs boss Mark Littlewood ripped into the exemption.

He blasted: “This looks suspiciously like a one rule for the rich and tighter, harsher rules for everyone else. Either that or it’s a recipe for bureaucratic cronyism.

“Who in Whitehall is going to determine whether a business trip is likely to lead to the creation or protection of 500 UK-based jobs within two years?

“These absurd and bizarre new laws are further evidence of the need to swiftly move to ending all lockdown restrictions.”