Military families in Rishi Sunak's constituency living in substandard homes, official figures show

Military families in Rishi Sunak's constituency living in substandard homes, official figures show

Labour criticizes Tories for failing armed forces

Military families in Catterick Garrison, located in the heart of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Richmond constituency, are facing living conditions filled with damp, mould, pests, and shoddy gas and electrical fittings, according to official figures. In just two years, over 2,000 maintenance complaints were recorded, including more than 400 related to damp and mould. Additionally, there were 255 callouts for pest control issues, 662 for loss of heating and hot water, and over 1,000 electrical faults reported since April 2022.

Labour vows to improve conditions for armed forces

Labour, who compiled the official figures, criticized the Conservatives for failing to provide adequate housing for the armed forces and their families. Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey condemned the extent of the failure, stating that a Labour government would prioritize renewing the nation's commitment to those who serve and would establish an independent Armed Forces Commissioner to ensure suitable living conditions for military families.

Experts warn of deteriorating military housing conditions

A recent review by the Kerslake Commission described Britain's military housing as a "sinking ship," attributing the dire state of affairs to years of underfunding within the Ministry of Defence. The Commission accused the Government of neglecting the maintenance of forces housing, leaving many properties in a deplorable condition.

Tory response and promises

In response, a Tory spokesperson defended the government's record, stating that they have invested an additional £4 billion in Armed Forces Housing and maintained the Armed Forces Help to Buy Scheme. The spokesperson criticized Labour's promises, questioning how they could afford to spend more on military accommodation without increasing defense spending.

Military families in Rishi Sunak's constituency living in substandard homes, official figures show